Thursday, May 19, 2011

texas annexation

texas annexation. on the annexation of Texas
  • on the annexation of Texas

  • iGary
    Aug 24, 12:11 PM
    Apple's having a bad day.

    Creative and now this.

    texas annexation. Although the annexation
  • Although the annexation

  • Project
    Jan 11, 11:45 AM
    Hmm. Well I do love the font.

    texas annexation. with the Texas Annexation
  • with the Texas Annexation

  • DaveTheGrey
    Nov 7, 04:44 AM
    the 12" PB had a full sized keyboard...and I'm holding on to my 1.33 version till a 12" MBP shows up.

    me too. I got a 19" external screen and the BT Apple Keyboard and Mouse. When I'm @ Home I'm full featured, if I'm on the road my PB is small and light.

    12" PB 1GHz
    1,256 GB Ram
    100gig HD

    I just love my little fella :D

    texas annexation. Causes: Texas annexation
  • Causes: Texas annexation

  • rdowns
    Mar 18, 02:13 PM
    It would be nice for Apple to announce it's end of life after offering a 10th anniversary model. They'd sell tens of millions.

    texas annexation. the annexation of Texas,
  • the annexation of Texas,

  • iGary
    Aug 24, 04:24 PM
    MY GOD

    I just woke up from a nap and have at least a DOZEN e-mails from PC-owning friends and famailies saying stuff like "What's up with your boys?!?!?!"

    I kindly link them to the 4.1 million Dell's being recalled. :D

    Can someone link whatever is the VALID page for this?

    Lots of conflicting information around...

    texas annexation. annexation by New Orleans.
  • annexation by New Orleans.

  • AP_piano295
    Apr 27, 06:41 PM
    Now if we can come to accept that they're are in fact a number of problems within the black community (at least in the United States, I'm not particularly well aware of whats going on in the UK). I think they're are a number of things that can be done to mitigate the problem.

    First Social Welfare Programs:

    We already have some of these and I'm not particularly well educated on what they provide but these are CRUCIAL. If you don't have a warm place to sleep and food to eat than your odds of being able to improve your situation are basically impossible.

    Greater Availability of Birth Control and Education About the Same:

    There is a reason that there are so many births happening out of wedlock in this community and you can bet it starts with people not using birth control or using it correctly. I would advocate for a greater availability of condoms and in particular the pill to just about anyone who wants it. No the pill doesn't stop the spread of STD's but I think it's a little more moment of total irresponsibility proof.

    It's damn hard to get your life together if you've got a kid and no support system at age 16. And that kid isn't going to have the best opportunities either. If we can significantly reduce the number of un-planned children being born I think we'll have taken a big step towards improving the quality of life in African American communities (immediately and 15 years down the road).

    Work With Community Leaders and Role Models

    The black community has a bit of an overabundance of role models preaching totally irresponsible behavior (violence, drug use, under age sex). Its no wonder that kids who lack good role models are so inclined towards these same behaviors.

    I think it might have an unexpectedly large effect on the black community of these role models could be convinced to change their tone, perhaps a bit less glorification of ****** behavior.
    Check out:

    Lupe Fiasco
    Brother Ali (though he's white)

    A couple of hip hop artists who are a bit more socially aware.

    I have a few more ideas but I'm tired of writing for now so I'll end this post.

    texas annexation. to annexation of Texas
  • to annexation of Texas

  • blitzkrieg79
    Apr 12, 07:30 PM
    If Apple manufactured their products in the US, the iPhone would probably cost $999 with a 2-year contract and the iPad would probably cost $1599 for the 16GB model.

    When you have to pay someone $12 an hour to work an assembly line and pay for benefits and payroll taxes, that raises costs a lot to a country where you can pay 75 cents per hour and benefits like health insurance cost $5 a month rather than $500.

    A 25-page document isn't necessary and the law would be dumb. All that it takes is for someone to take a basic economics course.

    Americans who complain about jobs leaving overseas need to realize that when they go shopping they need to put their money where their mouth is. Everyone pays lip service to "made in the usa" but when they look at the price tags in the store they buy made in china!

    The thing to watch here is if the quality improves when production is done in Brazil. If the production quality is the same or better, that's good news for consumers.

    Recently I have purchased two truck toys for my kid, one was a made in China Tonka truck $50, the other was a Bruder truck $50 made in Germany, about same size trucks, same functionality, and the Bruder was made out of nice soft plastics where Tonka was made from hard cheap plastics, plus if you would even look at both of the toys you would see just how much better and how much more detail the Bruder had over Tonka. Anyway, one would think that a childs toys is a low skill labor job and that it wouldn't make any sense building it in a highly developed nation yet somehow its doable in Germany. I see more made in EU toys in European Union countries than I see made in USA toys in USA (which is almost zero). This is just an example to show that simply US companies are more greedy and they just want more bottom line profit, nothing else. They don't care about local communities, their towns, basically their own consumer base, because the people who make it are also the people who buy it. But this kind of mentality is good for short term investment, what happens if your entire middle class disappears (its been happening for the past 25 years)? Who will buy the overpriced Nike or Apple products? I could see an advantage of cheaper labor in labor intensive niche products but those products are expensive to begin with, so if a person would be able to afford a $2000 Coach made in China bag, then they could easily afford a $2250 made in USA bag. Again, labor cost difference in mass production items is minimal.

    Another issue is outsourcing of ALL the jobs, these days you have doctors from Russia reading the CT scans or X Rays for American practices and does a US patient see a decrease in medical costs??? NOPE You have paralegals outsourced all over the world, programmers/IT, lawyers, pretty much any industry can be outsourced these days except for services. And again, the savings in labor are not passed towards the consumer, its more about increasing profits for select few.

    Do you really think that iPhone would cost $999 if it were made in USA? It would be maybe $50-75 more expensive than it is now and all the money would stay within the country making the country stronger and local economies strong and stable. And last but not least, US government allows all of this, its funny how for over 50 years they were battling USSR and communism yet since the 1970s they helped one of the most oppressive communist countries which is China become a world power. On one hand USA is trying to teach "democracy" in the Middle East and yet they do business with one of the largest oppressive countries in the world. Anyway, I'll end my rant, its not like the world will change tomorrow.

    texas annexation. on Texas Annexation (1844)
  • on Texas Annexation (1844)

  • gnasher729
    Nov 7, 05:26 AM
    Intel will be releasing [...] an ultra-low voltage version for tiny laptops.

    The ultra low power versions also go ultra slow. If you take a normal Merom or Yonah, and limit its speed to 1 GHz, the voltage can be reduced as well, and it won't be far away from the so-called "ultra low power" chips at all.

    texas annexation. annexation of Texas as the
  • annexation of Texas as the

  • shadowfax
    Aug 2, 05:36 PM
    Well, which is it?

    There aren't enough Macs and Mac users out there to count as anything, or they're all smug and worthy of a slap in the face?

    People can't have it both ways. Actually, I would say it's the easiest thing in the world to have it both ways in this case, because the scenarios you describe aren't mutually exclusive. Remember, the hacker world is not monolithic. While the majority of hackers may consider mac users a waste of time, it only takes one with some time on her hands and a beef against (smug) Mac zealots to write a virus for OS X, and that's that. I can tell you as someone who works with hackers (half of my buddies are at BlackHat this week) that OS X is NOT inherently secure, and that there are plenty of vulnerabilities that surface on it that are well-known in the "hacker" community long before they are made "public," and also long before they are also repaired by Apple.

    OS X is definitely inherently more secure than Windows, but the near-complete lack of viruses/use of other exploits for them is definitely not because they are ironclad in terms of security. That should be abundantly clear from a cursitory reading of the kbase article on the latest security update. Many of those fixes were to rootkit holes! As in, god-sized sized security holes...

    I'm not trying to rant or anything, but I've definitely realized in the last few months of my internship that OS X is not nearly as secure as I'd previously assumed, and also that there are a growing number of hackers that are pissed off--or at least find it amusingly laughable-- that Apple and followers are so brazenly smug about security. I hate Symantec just as much as the rest of you for their shameless plugs of their USELESS mac software, but that doesn't mean that OS X is anywhere near impenetrable, especially if you use simple word passwords--and you bet your butt the average mac user does this, if he even sets a password at all.

    texas annexation. of the Texas Annexation
  • of the Texas Annexation

  • mashinhead
    Aug 3, 08:10 PM
    Nobody was really expecting this (, remember?

    it's really funny to read those posts now. They should be infamous. I wouldn't want to be the one who posted that.

    texas annexation. the annexation of Texas.
  • the annexation of Texas.

  • sturm375
    Oct 11, 02:40 PM
    Originally posted by weezerophile
    all of the mac users i know are casual to hardcore gamers. to say that the mac gaming community is a minority worth ignoring is not true. also, ALL of the mac users i know are more tech saavy than any of the PC users i know, who only use the internet, mail, and counter strike. In my experience, mac users are more apt to tinker with their machines(RAM,hard drives, video cards etc.) I think apple needs to re-evaluate its priorities and put performance before style.

    I believe you are in the minority. I know many people who own Macs (either exclusively, or majority), and not a single one of them "tinkers" with their Apples. Also, it is a given that since the vast majority of games are released for PC only, there just isn't enough games to make an extensive Mac Gaming market. Lastly, motherboard makers (eg. A-Bit) make boards with BIOS features specifically designed for overclocking. I have seen Mac Overclocking, in consists of adding little resistors to the motherboard.

    I am sure there are Mac Overclocker, Gamers, and Tinkerers, there just isn't enough (percentage wise) out of the market to cater to them.

    I would venture to guess the a full 10% of the total computing market, consists of these hard core, overclocking, uber-geeks.

    Another thing to consider: in the last 3-4 years, which of the Apple computer lines allow "Tinkering?" Only the PowerMacs, and PowerMac Servers. PowerBooks, iBooks, iMacs, iPods are all pretty much "Set it, and forget it" style computers.

    texas annexation. The annexation of Texas into
  • The annexation of Texas into

  • aswitcher
    Sep 6, 08:29 AM
    Impressive price drop by Apple.

    texas annexation. pre-annexation borders.
  • pre-annexation borders.

    Sep 22, 05:42 PM
    I seem to remember Wal-Mart's CEO saying in a CNBC show that his company doesn't bully vendors.....what a load.

    Yes, my publishing company does business with WalMart and they do intimidate and bully. For sure.

    I avoid shopping there at all costs.

    texas annexation. The Annexation of Texas to the
  • The Annexation of Texas to the

  • mi5moav
    Sep 6, 08:16 AM
    Apple is hitting hard. Jeez, I am gonna buy some more stock. I do wish they had the imac in black but I don't care will just get out the spray can. AWESOME!!!!!

    texas annexation. States annexed Texas,
  • States annexed Texas,

  • coreybox
    Sep 12, 08:51 PM
    Is the gapless playback only a feature of the full size pod or does it carry over to the nano too?

    texas annexation. of the Texas-New Mexico
  • of the Texas-New Mexico

  • naraic
    Nov 8, 07:46 AM
    About time...but at this stage should i wait for the Santa Rosa platform with the ram drives and all that?? ;)

    Naaaahhh :D

    texas annexation. kduncan - Texas Annexation
  • kduncan - Texas Annexation

  • saving107
    Mar 25, 12:52 PM
    Is the iPad 2 Wifi modelnumber 2,1? (or 2,2 / 2,3?)

    iPad 2 WiFi - 2,1
    iPad 2 AT&T - 2,2
    iPad 2 Verizon - 2,3

    texas annexation. Texas Annexation - Prof.
  • Texas Annexation - Prof.

  • riko
    Oct 27, 05:24 PM
    Yes, it is. The screw has always been there. I will say that ours is no longer flush like it was at first. Brushing your hand over it means you feel the screw whereas in May we could not. So, the screw may be more noticeable if this is true for others, as well. I could see it being very annoying for some.

    Just got my mabook back from getting its optical drive replaced and the service centre have also replaced the heat sink (i never mentioned RSS at all so not sure why they did it). I have noticed the central screw is no longer flush now. not a huge problem but does this mean the new heatsink causes the screw to stick out a bit?


    texas annexation. Texas Annexation.
  • Texas Annexation.

  • JML42691
    Oct 10, 01:50 PM
    Sorry, I read it :p

    Chupa Chupa
    Mar 29, 06:39 AM
    I absolutely adore these attempts at prophecy. Bottom line: We have no idea what the thing will cost, and all we can do right now is make educated guesses.

    Hence the name of this site: Mac Rumors.

    I'll give you that not all the rumors or speculations here are "educated," but if I were to make a price bracket sheet I'd put $29 losing out in the first round and $129 in the Final Four.

    Sep 12, 03:27 PM
    The album artwork retriever feature doesnt work that well. Gets some albums, some I didnt even know iTunes offered, yet ignores some of their best sellers like American Idiot and Demon Days! :rolleyes:

    Mar 29, 09:33 AM
    That sounds like it makes sense, but does ATT have LTE coverage? or will they by October?

    AT&T is working on 4G... like them all. None of them have wide spread 4g yet. But it's coming. In my area it will be probably 2 years, but it's coming. This is why I don't think 4G is such a big deal right now. Besides... I use the 3G only when on the road and most of the time the speed is fine for email and casual browsing. 4G would be really nice... but it's not the "big thing" for me. And I don't think it's the "big thing" for most people as much as they would like to think so. I know I'm on WiFi most of the time anyway.

    Nov 8, 06:20 AM
    MatthewConnelly did you refresh your browser every second back then,.. Hehehhee.. Yeah, it just downnn!!
    I guess I checked the UK and US stores just at the right times!

    Oct 12, 03:50 AM
    I think you're over analyzing this situation. It is one that is purely BUSINESS.

    Intel has AMD as direct competition, causing a "space race" sort of 'speed race', they keep topping eachother in speed and proccesses. Both are forced to innovate to remain competitive; and even in the PC world, it is a hard choice whether to choose Intel or AMD for your processor.

    With Apple as their primary and only customer for the Mac specific chip, Motorolla has no need to innovate, there is no fire under ass, so to speak.

    Basically, they don't care because they don't have to. And it is not Apple's "fault", but rather a credit that they have standerdized on one processor; but that is a convenience and a privelage for Apple, only because there is no other maker at the moment. I'm sure if there was, there would be court cases similar to Microsoft is in about anti-competiveness of Motorolla :P.

    Motorolla has a pure monopoly on a private platform; if Apple were still licensing, and you could buy Umax, SuperMac and other Mac Clones, I'm 100% positive There'd be 4Ghz Macs by now, because those companies would strive to compete with Apple.

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