Tuesday, May 17, 2011

desk tidy designs

desk tidy designs. Pottery/Desk Tidy/Pen Pot/Bow
  • Pottery/Desk Tidy/Pen Pot/Bow

  • daneoni
    Aug 24, 08:14 PM
    Won't it be weird if the replacement batteries are the ones that actually start to explode?.

    I guess they plan to use Lithium Polymers from now on...or Lithium ions from other manufacturers

    desk tidy designs. Gadget+tidy+designs
  • Gadget+tidy+designs

  • KeithJenner
    Nov 25, 03:40 PM
    I don't have either, but I was wondering which set was better, overall I guess

    In that case, I'd recommend the Mono set plus Abbey Road and Let It Be separately.

    The Mono is supposed to be limited (although we know that usually doesn't mean much), but you run the risk of not being able to get it at some point.

    desk tidy designs. Peace by Piece Designs is
  • Peace by Piece Designs is

  • jlc1978
    Apr 11, 08:20 AM
    I feel bad for all the designers/photographers/filmmakers (part of companys and esp. freelance/new graduates). How the hell will folks be able to afford upgrading every year and/or two years. This doesn't include the time and possible addition outlay to work around the learning curves for all new bells, whistles, bs etc.

    Unless they need one of the new bells and whistles, why upgrade? The old version still works, so unless there is a must have feature then there is no compelling reason to upgrade; other than you *want* the latest version independent of *needing* it.
    If they do need it, but can't afford it; they probably need to reassess their line of work.

    desk tidy designs. money box and desk tidy.
  • money box and desk tidy.

  • ravenvii
    Jul 27, 06:35 PM
    Anyone see the Magic Touchpad released without explanation? just wait.
    It's no Wacom Tablet�

    This was only a speed bump. I believe Apple will release Touch Macs (already �Apple Inc.) as an additional product line along side standard Macs, to ease the transition.

    There will always be keyboards, for keyboard shortcuts if not the obvious bulk text entry. Half the work done by pro-applications (not just Apple's) is done with keyboard shortcuts. It's the mouse that's done for. Apple finally perfect the mouse, and they kill it.

    I think the Magic Mouse is transitory too. To get people used to using touch on the desktop.

    desk tidy designs. Essey Pen Pen Desk Tidy
  • Essey Pen Pen Desk Tidy

  • Bonds79
    May 5, 09:25 AM
    This is complete bullcrap, people. Over the air updates will come, but over WiFi. Doing this over 3G makes no sense.

    DROIDs already do all updates over 3G and VZW likes it that way.
    So if VZW is involved they will opt for updates over 3G
    This may mean that VZW will be keeping unlimited data on the iphone, and may have changed their minds about ending unlimited data when it comes to the iphone. I think VZW has noticed that having unlimited data makes them more attractive when competing against ATT+T-mobile merger super company.

    desk tidy designs. Essey quot;Penquot; Pen Desk Tidy in
  • Essey quot;Penquot; Pen Desk Tidy in

  • torbjoern
    Apr 26, 12:42 AM
    But culture is not above the law of the country you are currently in. If you use violence to get your on way in a country which has zero tolerance of it, you should be punished in accordance with those laws.
    Do you have any idea of how racist and xenophobic that sounds?

    (seems like you got my point, though, and good on you for that)

    desk tidy designs. Butt Station Desk Tidy
  • Butt Station Desk Tidy

  • Dagless
    Apr 2, 02:05 PM
    Doesn't most of the internet use flash?

    Most internet users do, yes. 96.79% of them infact (http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/). That site polls (and updates, so no duplicates) PC and Mac users who use Steam.

    desk tidy designs. Desk Tidy / Product Design
  • Desk Tidy / Product Design

  • valkraider
    Nov 13, 06:14 PM
    an established global business like Facebook

    that f_ing breaks their sh_t every other day.

    Seriously, facebook is constantly screwing stuff up. I HATE that all my damn friends use it so I am FORCED to use it to communicate with them only because to most of them anymore facebook=internet.

    facebook can't even get chronological order right...

    desk tidy designs. Katrina - S2 Desk Tidy
  • Katrina - S2 Desk Tidy

  • QCassidy352
    Apr 17, 12:05 PM
    Best Buy in Cambridge, MA didn't have any stock. The Apple store in the same mall did (as usual) but was mostly sold out when I got there 1/2 hour after opening. Still had a few 64 GB models, but that's it.

    desk tidy designs. This desk tidy design stems
  • This desk tidy design stems

  • theROZ
    Jan 11, 04:37 PM
    Here is a geek observation, the apple logo on those banners have a silvery rim that is pretty similar to the iphone casing....hmm maybe I should go outside...

    desk tidy designs. Effective design can, and is,
  • Effective design can, and is,

  • JDMFSeanP
    Oct 10, 03:43 PM

    desk tidy designs. Recycled wheelie bin desk tidy
  • Recycled wheelie bin desk tidy

  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 4, 11:06 AM
    i find it hard to believe that apple has had almost a year to add improvements to the ipods and all we're gonna see is upgraded hardrives.. dont they have an entire division working on these ipods.. they must have figured something out in that amount of time

    Core 2 Duo Imacs
    True Video ipod
    bumped nano harddrives(new enclosure?)
    one more thing....?

    yeh, your right, its not like apple are microsoft or anything. full screen ipods shuld be easy to make in a year

    desk tidy designs. finished off my desk tidy!
  • finished off my desk tidy!

  • iTouch
    Oct 17, 04:18 PM
    Tip 8: get a modern computer chair. Here is a nice one.

    Anyone have experience with this chair? The price is great and I like the design. Not sure about ergonomics and durability though.

    desk tidy designs. desk, all elegantly styled
  • desk, all elegantly styled

  • crap freakboy
    Oct 26, 05:34 PM
    As long as Apple are being above board on this design flaw and offering a repair for those affected at no cost then alls well and good I say.
    Must be a pain to have to wait for the repair though.

    desk tidy designs. money box and desk tidy.
  • money box and desk tidy.

  • Time Clock
    Nov 26, 02:55 AM
    I'm sure there are a lot of us who have very wide musical interests. I usually listen to classical in the morning with my coffee and later--well lots of stuff rock, folk, blue grass, jazz, and yes some Beatles as well--it's all music--it's all good. :)

    I know- it just seemed that some people in this thread thought a person was a musical infant if he liked The Beatles :)

    desk tidy designs. Green Dragon Desk Tidy
  • Green Dragon Desk Tidy

  • Yinmay
    Jun 24, 06:37 PM
    I'm sure the next major update (as major as 9.0 --> OS X) will have a new naming scheme. "Eleven" does not lend itself well to marketing unless Spinal Tap's your thing.

    How bout "OSean's Eleven" ;)

    desk tidy designs. like a desk tidy in design
  • like a desk tidy in design

  • Slurpy2k8
    Mar 23, 04:54 PM
    While for me, $500 is a "pretty big wad of cash to throw down", there's more to it than strictly looking at the dollar figure. EG. Do you have a kid or kids that might benefit from being able to use the new iPad you're about to purchase? Do you have legitimate uses for it that go along with EARNING more money, or maybe even the ability to write the whole purchase off as a tax deduction the next year? When you spend $20 on some beer or a few bucks on some food, it's a consumable you use once and throw some trash away, and then you have nothing to show for it.

    One thing I know about myself is, I'm very hesitant to spend much on "instant gratification" type of entertainment. I practically never spend money on tickets for sporting events or concerts, and maybe buy a movie ticket once a year. I've often skipped summer vacations completely because my employer didn't want me to take time off when they had important projects going on, and I just opted to get paid for the days instead. I don't even have cable or satellite TV at home, because I hated watching $60 or more per month just vanish into thin air, with nothing concrete to show for it later. So when I do spend my money? It tends to be on bigger-ticket items I know I'll get a lot of use out of for years down the road.

    So frankly, in my relationships, "respect" is just as much about my partner respecting my ability to make sensible purchasing decisions and NOT demand I consult with her first, simply because it's something a lot more expensive than a fast food order.

    Great post, completely agree, and am also inline with your mentality about spending money. The same people who ask me why the hell I would spent $1700 on a laptop when I can get one for $700 (I have a Macbook Pro, which I use several hours EVERY SINGLE DAY, will last years, and which I work and make money from) are the same people who would spend that difference in a month on stupid ****, eating out, and alcohol, with nothing to show for it. I have no problem spending more on long term purchases to get a better product, or something I'm passionate about which will bring me pleasure for a long time.

    desk tidy designs. Product Name : Desk Tidy
  • Product Name : Desk Tidy

  • darrens
    Jul 24, 01:06 AM
    I'm not sure about novels but I would love to be able to read articles from Time, Wired, New Yorker et cetera on my iPod. In the past I've copied them from the web and transferred them into a 'note' file for viewing on my iPod. However I'd love to be able to download them from iTunes like a podcast. 99 cents wouldn't be un-reasonable if it's a well written article and it's advertisement free.

    I think this would be great - I already read news articles on my 3G phone, and the iPod screen is bigger than that. Novels? No thanks.

    Syncing today's news to my iPod in the morning to read on the way to work sounds great. No need for pesky slow download from a 3G network, or fiddly applescripts to download a website to notes on the iPod (sure someone would suggest it - sounds pretty awful to me!).

    desk tidy designs. HANDMADE amp; PAINTED DESK TIDY

  • oMc
    Oct 25, 10:22 PM

    Left to Right : HP 2009v 20" monitor, HK Soundsticks II, 2.4GHz 20" iMac, Shure SRH240 Headphones, Beats By Dre. Studio Headphones, Magic Mouse, 32GB WiFi iPad + Universal Dock

    Are you satisfied with your Beats by Dre ?

    Sep 6, 08:45 AM
    Besides, no more Intel Core Solo in Mac Mini.
    $599 - $579 Academic (3.5% off) Big Whoop.
    1.66GHz Intel Core Duo processor
    2MB L2 Cache
    667MHz Frontside Bus
    512MB memory (667MHz DDR2 SDRAM)
    60GB Serial ATA hard drive�
    Combo drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0
    Apple Remote

    Core 2 Duo will follow after their supply of Core 2 Duo can keep up with other model's needs first - my guess is by Thanksgiving. :) So that report of fulfillment of an order for a Core Solo with a Core Duo was not a screw up mistake on Apple's end. He was just the first to get one.

    Nov 3, 02:11 PM
    Adobe stop your childish games. Fix your applications. CS3 w/ Snow Leopard is horrible. Boooooo!

    Sep 22, 12:12 AM
    Well, it has been one week since the game officially launched, so I thought I'd try and sum up some initial thoughts on my experience so far...


    Nov 27, 11:43 PM
    Even 100 million would be a steal. Remember that way back in 1995 Bill Gates and Microsoft paid the Stones 20 Million to use Start Me Up. The Who (Pete Townsend) has gotten rich all over again just from the CSI Franchise. Hey they wrote the songs so they should make the money IF they want to.

    Yea. They wanted a big PRODUCT LAUNCH.. they were selling an operating system that cost, what.. $200+ a copy if you bought it retail? They weren't announcing the addition of Solitaire to an existing product that already had something like 70% market share.

    Anybody who wants Beatles tunes probably already has them. Sure, the addition of Beatles tunes is a good thing for iTunes, and the sale of those tunes will add to Apples bottom line.. simply expanding their catalog peaks customers interest.. but not enough to justify spending a million plus bucks just to license a song for a 30 second spot.

    If you were to poll 1,000 random people on the street, you'd be lucky if the majority of people would even know what the hell 'Apple Corps' was, let alone that they had a legal dispute over Apple Computers name.. so the 'joke' of selecting a song like 'Come Together' would be absolutely lost on most people.

    Congratulations to Apple if they can add the Beatles to their iTunes catalog.. but save the advertising budget for the next gen iPod or OS 10.5.

    Aug 3, 11:54 PM
    everything that reveals a new product is covered up with a black curtian
    you can even see them in the pic
    they're at the tor left and middle right

    You have no way of knowing that there is no new banner underneath. Typing it in caps doesn't make you any more of an insider than the rest of use using proper case.

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