Thursday, May 19, 2011

booker t wcw

booker t wcw. #20: Booker T/King Booker
  • #20: Booker T/King Booker

  • gkarris
    May 4, 10:58 PM
    I checked out the 3DS at a Target and felt the 3D effect was cheesy. It reminded me of a magic eye effect, or a hologram baseball card. I did read about the "sweet spot", but that seems really tedious to have to keep a handheld at just the right angle at all times.

    Those kiosks are low so that kids can play with them - much harder for adults to use it.

    I got to try one out not on a display and it was great - especially the AR games are lots of fun...

    You can turn the 3D off and the graphics and screen quality are still great.

    booker t wcw. Wcw Booker T Vs Scott Steiner
  • Wcw Booker T Vs Scott Steiner

  • Mac Rules
    Aug 8, 07:30 PM
    it does not even make sense to put a phone there, since when can phones do RSS? Its just really fishy tt it is placed alongside the ipod and itunes.

    Many phones are capable, they can use 3rd party apps etc, but new phones such as the Sony Ericsson K800 has a built in RSS reader!

    As for the phone in the picture, it looks like a Sony ERicsosn K608 or someting along those lines....not a very good phone, so lets hope Apple doesnt use that as a bas to model the iPhone


    booker t wcw. Kole (Booker T.) from
  • Kole (Booker T.) from

  • Analog Kid
    Sep 4, 09:35 PM
    Interesting... I've been assuming the video store has been holding up the video iPod, but that doesn't appear to be the case...

    booker t wcw. before losing to Booker T.
  • before losing to Booker T.

  • BRLawyer
    Jul 23, 12:19 PM
    You probably would. I think Spanish is the world's 2nd-most spoken language. Well, don't know about Chinese... Besides, you are being America-centric here, there are markets outside the US, you know, like Spain. Reference works like Dictionaries and Thesauruses will probably be bestsellers for such a device. If I go somewhere, I could load it with a dictionary for the national language for the country, say English-Spanish. My Spanish is not good, so if it could pronounce it for me, all the better. And I know of English speakers who can't read or spell very well either. My brother's dyslexic, and yet also a programmer. The Spanish were the first to discover and explore America, you know (though 500 years after the Vikings). In Canada they're split between English and French. They're like Americans without the attitude or penchant for invading other countries. day "americans" will learn that there is a world (and a much bigger market) out there, before making such comments...

    booker t wcw. of champions ooker t vs
  • of champions ooker t vs

  • NinjaHERO
    Apr 2, 08:13 AM
    The Iphone 4 camera takes amazing shots right now. If this is actually an improvement, then it would rock.

    But since these boards screamed at all of us non camera experts last time for thinking that mega pixels mean a better picture, I will wait to hear about the quality.

    booker t wcw. WCW Pictures. Booker T
  • WCW Pictures. Booker T

    Mar 14, 07:52 AM
    Are there any news yet on the strange new SKUs from BestBuy - which were due for today???


    Do we already know for which products they stand for?

    booker t wcw. Booker T
  • Booker T

  • Kingsly
    Oct 26, 06:58 PM
    I hope Apple releases a OSX update that enables that feature on my MBP... like the two finger click.
    I cant believe they would put an extra feature on a consumer machine and leave out all us pro users!! :D

    booker t wcw. Booker T practically stormed
  • Booker T practically stormed

  • bobber205
    Mar 28, 11:23 PM
    Stand by and watch, what? What would Gaddafi do to the protesters? They're all armed now so it wouldn't end pleasantly.

    It's being led by NATO and the US is not committing ground troops. It's a no-fly zone and I would have done the same if I were Obama.

    I agree. I don't really mind what's going on in Libya.

    booker t wcw. Radio ads playing in LA are
  • Radio ads playing in LA are

  • Designer Dale
    Oct 12, 01:52 PM
    Love the cat on your printer.:)
    Love the blanket for the cat on the printer. Satoneko is a true cat person.


    booker t wcw. Booker T. and Sharmell
  • Booker T. and Sharmell

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Jul 22, 11:56 PM
    I think that this is a really good idea, if they can get a large enough screen. Add in a few tools like highlighting and a dictionary, and I might consider replacing my nano.
    I'll quote you on that ;)

    booker t wcw. Tags: ooker t , sharmell ,
  • Tags: ooker t , sharmell ,

  • djkatsuo
    Sep 12, 03:00 PM
    am i crazy or did apple completely leave this out of itunes booklets are mixed up with the music and so are the music videos...also no more search bar???

    booker t wcw. Booker T vs. Lex Luger vs.
  • Booker T vs. Lex Luger vs.

  • TheFink
    Oct 11, 06:40 AM
    I can say with certainty that it is NOT Intel's nor AMD's fault. Megahertz is a valid benchmark for performance in the PC world. Although it may not be the end all in deciding factors which is faster, it's safe to say that a 1.4 mhz AMD is going to be faster than a 1.2mhz. When comparing megahertz to different architectures, that is where the problem lies. I don't think, however, that megahertz is a "myth". When Apple was close to wintel speeds, it was a good marketing campaign. But now with Apple so far behind, that whole slogan needs to be put to rest. PC's are ahead in all aspects except software.

    When it comes to pointing the finger, I think it lies with Apple. Apple should have more of a push with the cpu manufacturers. Instead, it seems like the manufacturers are totally in controll and Apple is forced to sit on their hands. You would think Apple would develop more of a partnership, rather than being just another customer of Motorola and IBM.

    In closing, I think Apple, Moto, and IBM all suck. They missed the boat and the best they can do is try to catch up. They ALL lose, along with the Apple consumers.

    Just my $.02

    booker t wcw. ooker t wrestler.
  • ooker t wrestler.

  • swingerofbirch
    Jul 22, 10:55 PM
    This is interesting. Quite a long way from the days of 32 MB Mp3 players.

    Apple with their success I am sure has long term visions for the iPod as a platform beyond music. In a way it's a new computer platform for them.

    They have already pushed iPods into education at the university level (I never got the utility in that), but with eBook functionality the plot thickens. Students could buy all their textbooks from iTunes. In fact, there already are specific iTunes stores for colleges (the one I am familiar with is Stanford). And of course, some iTunes albums already come with PDFs. This could herald true album art along with the entire booklet stored on the iPod.

    iPods are ubiquitous. But books are even more ubiquitous. But what could be even more ubiquitous than a book? An iPod that is both and iPod and a book!

    They were smart to give it such a generic name (iPod) with as broad of a platform as it is becoming.

    booker t wcw. Booker t vs the undertaker
  • Booker t vs the undertaker

  • Unspeaked
    Aug 2, 08:39 PM
    Wait - so this guy ISN'T using AirPort extreme?

    I haven't seen the video, but it sounds to me like he found some crappy third party card that's Mac compatible, which has a security problem, and deliberately decided to show this card's security problem on a Mac.

    In other words - it's not an Apple issue, it's not an AirPort issue, it's not an OS X issue, it's not a MacBook issue - it's an issue with some weird USB Wireless card that could have been shown on any number of computers, but was recorded for the public in use on a MacBook.

    Is that correct?

    If I'm right, that's so lame...

    booker t wcw. Booker T
  • Booker T

  • Keleko
    Mar 7, 07:56 AM
    This display had a nice blank wall behind it that let it stand out well. (

    booker t wcw. Wcw
  • Wcw

  • oootle
    Sep 12, 03:43 PM
    Very dark and dingy interface, reminds me of some audio-editing ap. What happened to the nice white play buttons, and the bright blue scroll bars and music store.

    iTunes is now much more accomplished as a sopisticated media ap, but the style really has suffured. Doesn't feel like an Apple product!

    booker t wcw. Cold Steve Austin Booker T
  • Cold Steve Austin Booker T

  • fanboy007
    Mar 29, 02:28 AM
    I just found this while looking for info on WWDC schedule info...
    anybody have any idea what it is?? :confused:

    booker t wcw. WCW Cruiserweight Championship
  • WCW Cruiserweight Championship

  • Laird Knox
    Apr 12, 01:36 PM
    I'm far less impressed with Apple and particularly its unwillingness to build in the U.S. Their products bear the label "Designed in California" for a simple reason. Their executives care little for this country as a whole and anyone who lives outside a few affluent enclaves on the West and East coasts. And they seem actually proud, inordinately so, of exploiting China's cheap labor. That's why "Designed in California" is followed by "Assembled in China." Snobs and serfs. That's their world.

    Apple's unwillingness to build in the US? What company in the US has the manufacturing facilities of Foxconn? I agree it would be great if the devices were produced here, however supply would be much more constrained that it currently is.

    booker t wcw. Ric Flair, Booker T, Re
  • Ric Flair, Booker T, Re

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 3, 08:05 PM
    Fingers crossed for new iPods, credit card ready for MacBook Pro updates, and wish Apple doesn't release that dog ugly iPhone that circulating around the new :rolleyes:

    Sep 12, 01:50 PM
    Installed it on my PC:

    The iTunes application could not be opened. An unkown error occurred (0x666D743f)


    Same error here, reboot fixed it. Funny, it told me I had to reboot on my laptop, but not on my desktop. Anxious to see it on the iMac when I get home.

    Mar 19, 05:51 AM
    Yes, I like to have it all with me.

    I listen to music for 9 hours a day when I'm at work and used to get frustrated with my old 60GB iPod photo because I only had half of my collection with me. I've had my 160GB classic since 2007 and I'm now down to my last 5GB of free space.

    A new 220GB classic in September would be perfect timing. :D

    I guess we will have to agree to disagree on the music/iPod thing, as I listen to my iPhone for 8+ hrs a day and find 5200 songs overkill. I will agree with you on this; if I had all the money I'd spent on drink, I'd spend it on drink.


    Aug 24, 12:05 PM
    Powerbook G4's and Ibooks. Just announced on CNBC.

    Erm, LINK?

    Mar 13, 11:34 AM
    Honestly? I think the ENTIRE desktop line (iMac, Mac Mini, etc.) would probably get this before a laptop would get it. :(

    And P.S. - Apple, your laptop line is already to expensive. :eek: Don't release a consumer product that only rich companies can buy. :(

    Mar 15, 02:53 PM
    A little more from the La Monde Diplomatique article ( ...

    Higher spending, fewer jobs

    On 1 May the Center for Economic and Policy Research of Washington, DC, released a study prepared by the economic and political forecasting company Global Insight on the long-term economic impact of increased military spending. Guided by economist Dean Baker, this research showed that, after an initial demand stimulus, by about the sixth year the effect of increased military spending turns negative. The US economy has had to cope with growing defence spending for more than 60 years. Baker found that, after 10 years of higher defence spending, there would be 464,000 fewer jobs than in a scenario that involved lower defence spending.

    Baker concluded: “It is often believed that wars and military spending increases are good for the economy. In fact, most economic models show that military spending diverts resources from productive uses, such as consumption and investment, and ultimately slows economic growth and reduces employment”.

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