Monday, May 16, 2011

bikini waxes

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  • Bikini Zone Saves Day

  • rovex
    Apr 26, 10:15 AM
    The vast majority of gun incidents and stabbings happen within gangs, it's the parents fault for not educating their child to keep away from them. I know for instance that stabbings in London is highly overstated, in that London I think is the most populated capital in Europe and so it's inevitable for these frequent occurrences.

    I don't consider London particularly dangerous, as long as you stay away from the places notorious for having yobs and gangs during the evening.

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  • gugy
    Nov 27, 12:19 PM
    Not of itself no - but imo a remastered collection will sell millions. How many fans, old and new, will shell out again to hear them?
    really? I am skeptical.
    Unless like I said a whole package with a very attractive price. Hopefully with a bitrate better than 128.

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  • OdduWon
    Jul 23, 12:26 AM
    this document reading feature just coincides with the wireless rumors. If the Ipod can load web pages. why wouldn't it be able to translate Word, PDF and other popular formats. I would by one, but this sounds as if it would be more delicate than the 5g that I own, the 5g is definitely on the breakable side. could you imagine how much more screen you have to crack, and more pixels to go dead?

    true, there is more to break. apple should make it's own brand of cases. the agent 18 that i have is great but it have defects in the viewing area and ( at certain angles ) an multi color look that looks like gas on water. in the sun this is annoying. apple should make cases that fit perfectly and are economical enough that they can be replaced or repaire. though this might make the ipod look fragile if they have to create a seperate case to protect it. but anything is better that the lame leather case that comes with the nano

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  • Moving on from ikini waxes,

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 01:54 PM
    Just ordered a silver 4GB with inscription for my girlfriend. It's her birthday present (from last month) and she got to choose the colour herself... :)

    Ordered a Tucano Second Skin Guaina for my MacBook at the same time to save a buck on shipping... ;)

    Now that the nanos look (and presumably feel) like the minis I might be tempted to get a nano, and not just a new battery, whenever my 1G green mini's battery decides to quit... a green 4GB nano would be a perfect replacement...

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  • mscriv
    Apr 11, 11:57 AM
    I object to the notion that good deeds I do are due to vanity, pride etc.

    No, sorry, you cannot have that one. "Altruistic" does not coincide with "vanity and self glorification". In my filthy heathen state of unsaved gracelessness, I still do things for which my only reward is a smile. And even when I do have an ulterior motive ("you can return the favor at your leisure, to me or to someone else"), how does that detract from my having done well and good by someone else?

    I find this statement utterly appalling. Do those who sacrifice themselves for others do so from selfish motives?

    I agree. There is so much wrong with the original statement in addition to your point. I consider "goodness" to get your spot in heaven the ultimate in selfishness. Also, what about gods other than Jesus, are the good things performed in their name just as "selfless"?

    Ok, good questions and thoughts. Let me explain/expound upon my statement. The bolded part below seems to be what is drawing the most reaction.

    An accurate understanding of original sin does not mean that man is completely "evil" in the sense that we are incapable of doing works that would be considered "good" or altruistic. The human spirit is capable of many good things, but without an accurate understanding of who God is and our relationship to him these good works become nothing but acts of vanity and self glorification that serve only to advance pride and promote self-reliance.

    I am not speaking about conscious motivation within an individuals actions/behavior, although that could be true as we all know people do at times act out of selfish and prideful intentions.

    I'm talking about a theological understanding of man's state before God. For those that do not believe in a higher power or absolute truth, man, in and of himself, is the highest order of existence/being/evolution, etc. etc.. Thus, any and all accomplishments of man ("good works") are then viewed as self evident truths to this proposition. Man's capacity for altruism, self sacrifice, and compassion are seen as proof of his independence from God. "See what we can accomplish on our own... we don't need God." In this manner all of man's action is an act of self glorification and self reliance.

    I'm in a "helping profession" and work daily with people who seek to support and serve others. Many do this out of the "goodness of their own heart" and genuinely do not seek any form of return for their efforts. On a human level these actions are noble and sacrificial and I applaud them. However, on a spiritual level, I must recognize that scripture teaches us that our "good deeds" are worthless if our heart is not right with God.

    Please understand, this doesn't mean that the positive results of these actions are meaningless. For example, giving food to the homeless is a sacrificial act that does help people in need, but it will in no way earn you "points" with God. The Bible does not teach a theology of works. It's not about what you do, it's about your relationship with Christ.

    Again, as I always say, this is ultimately an issue of faith and I completely understand that it can be hard to comprehend for some. And it is a subtle nuance to understand the difference between doing something because you adhere to a set of principles (right vs. wrong) and doing it because it is an outflow of your relationship with God.

    It's like I told someone recently in a conversation we were having. I don't stay true to my wife because being unfaithful to her would be the morally wrong thing to do. I could care less about the moral principle of marital faithfulness. My motivation for staying true to my wife is that I have an intimate loving relationship with her and I would never want to hurt her or damage that relationship in any way.

    Which takes us into rougher territory. If works are relatively insignificant in the scheme of salvation, your absolute moral code starts to crumble and fall in on itself. For, why should a believer bother to follow it if the saviour is always near at hand to forgive and redeem?

    You may not realize it Sydde, but what you are saying is still along the lines of a works based relationship with God and that is not what the Bible teaches. It's not about a revolving door of "messing up" and and then asking for forgiveness. Christ death paid the price in full for all sin (past, present, and future). What matters is the condition of your heart before him and the intimacy of your relationship with him. Within that context are you seeking your own way including your own selfish desires or are you seeking to be the servant leader he wants you to be. The examples you gave in your post were all of people being selfishly motivated for their own gain.

    In light of the examples of history (perhaps including those in the bible itself), how can you say that religion has made anyone a better person than they would have been? To me, it looks like religion has made the world a worse place than it might have been without it.

    I'd think you would agree that people like Mother Theresa were able to successfully live out their faith with the goal of bringing glory to God while serving others. She's just the first example that pops into my head, but there are countless others. Again, it's not about "religion" making us "better people", that's a selfish manner of thinking. My relationship with God is not about me, it's about him.

    "Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus."

    "There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in - that we do it to God, to Christ, and that's why we try to do it as beautifully as possible."

    ~ Mother Theresa

    Every time I hear about how we are naturally selfish and corrupt, I hear the utterer trying to apologize for their own faults by expanding them upon all others. As a counselor, you should be familiar with the mechanism called "projection".

    I'm very familiar with projection. I can assure you that is not what's happening here. I'm merely presenting what God has communicated to us through the Bible. Could it be that your skepticism and cynicism is a projection of something within you? Why don't you come over he and lie on this couch and tell me about your mother... ;)

    Yet, again, the absolutes get bent. When believers run up against a moral wall that divides them from their goals, they seek the counsel of a cleric. The cleric typically sympathizes with the believer's plight and very often finds a way to interpret the scripture to turn the question to the believer's favor. So you have your absolutes, but they are also flexible. What good then are they, that they can be molded to suit your needs? How is this better than situational ethics (logic, reason and compromise), other than to employ scholars in the service of the almighty?

    Well, first of all, "clerics" are not required for us to interpret scripture or have a relationship with God. When Christ was crucified he tore the temple veil representing that his sacrifice has made the way for man to have a direct relationship with God, no human intermediary is required. As far as prooftexting or manipulating scripture for your own personal motives due to a presenting dilemma, well, I'm sure you already know my answer to this based on my previous comments. Scripture stands alone as authoritative regardless of how I "feel" about it or what I "want" it to say. If I'm seeking to find an "exception" in scripture to justify my own position then my heart is not in the right place.

    I have had more than a third of a century (from teenage years) to develop my philosophy and unbeliefs, and you are obviously quite steadfast in yours, so yes, there can be little doubt of the mexican stand-off. Does it trouble you? As hoary and mulish as I may be, I still find merit in these discussions, because they draw things out into the light that I had not bothered to look at. You do teach me things, though they are almost certainly not the things you intend. I hope you in some way also benefit, it would be a shame to think this only leads you to despair.

    Fret not my friend. I think there is extreme merit in these discussions and I appreciate the respectful way in which many of us here are able to engage each other on such topics.

    As far as me being troubled or in "despair" the answer to your question is both yes and no. I do seek to consistently and genuinely live out my faith and thus I do wish to see other's come into relationship with Christ (you know that whole "go ye therefore" thing in the Bible). However, do I judge others and base my entire relationship with them on evangelistic purposes? No. One of the greatest gifts God has given us is free will, in fact, without free will everything we are talking about falls apart. I respect, just as God has designed it to be, that people have the freedom and the ability to reject him and live their life as they see fit. I love, value, relate to, and learn from others regardless of their spiritual beliefs. It would be foolish of me to limit my relationships with people solely on their spirituality or lack thereof. My goal is to accept people as they are, treat them with dignity and respect, and seek out how I might serve or support them in the context of our relationship.

    Besides, if I do happen to get down about it, I know a pretty good therapist. ;)

    Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to address the questions/comments that had been made. :)

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  • esskay
    Jan 11, 01:35 PM
    Apple Airlines, a new premium air carrier to buck the trend of the various low cost airlines and cost cutting of services!

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  • Doctor Q
    Apr 1, 11:53 PM
    What other explanation could there be for his comments?

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  • Different Bikini Waxes

  • torbjoern
    Apr 25, 11:40 PM
    Ah - but it isn't as many as 50 % of the gun crimes that are done by black men. This is just racist propaganda from a statistics-generator which has been pre-programmed to disfavour people with non-English names. The next statement will probably be that more than half of the honour killings in the United Kingdom are done by people from Pakistan or Arab countries, which will be just as absurd. In some cultures, it's acceptable (or even expected) to use violence to get what one wants, and we have to tolerate each other as we are. Dialogue and Understanding.

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  • Michael Scrip
    May 4, 11:36 PM
    how hard is it to update via itunes?

    Plus... you can backup your iPhone when you plug it in.

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  • rand0m3r
    Nov 8, 06:26 AM
    haha by the time you get opera the MB will be udpated.

    man i haven't felt this tense in ages.

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  • lowbatteries
    Apr 14, 11:06 AM
    Sad part is, as adoption will viruses/malware/trojans/etc.

    Best analogy Ive heard is:

    Windows 7 is a house with bars on the windows, and industrial locks on the Baltimore.

    OSX is a house with no locks, in the middle of nowhere.

    The security-through-obscurity myth of OS X has long been debunked. Do you know what the most used computer OS in the world is? Linux. And there are very, very few viruses for linux.

    The rampant virus ecosystem is a flaw in Windows, not an inherent fact of all operating systems.

    Macs have a decent market share and a very large mindshare, but yet are still virus free (though there have been a couple trojans that fizzled out).

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  • Tailpike1153
    Apr 18, 08:27 AM
    When I was a ToysRUS kid, there were only two racks in the store and it only sold burlap sacks and one Atari game. My time has changed.

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  • AliensAreFuzzy
    Sep 6, 08:23 AM
    Why 1394b at 800 Mbps when eSATA at 3000 Gbps is available?

    Apple missed the boat on the external storage front here....
    I'm guessing you mean 3Gbps...
    Apple likes firewire, they made it. eSATA is nice, but you can't daisy chain the drives. That's why I like firewire so much.

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  • cecildk9999
    Oct 26, 07:04 PM
    iStat nano widget

    I have a question; I run istat nano widget, but have never gotten the temperature readout to work (everything else works fine). Is there something I need to do/can do to get it to register, or does this mean something is messed up on my computer?

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  • tekmoe
    Sep 6, 09:00 AM
    this 7300 this a mobile chip that we might possibly see in the mbp?

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  • Vantage Point
    Mar 14, 08:38 AM
    i really think is comming out this tuesday i mean a lot of people are reporting problems of stock in a lot of shops around the world and it doesnt make sense that there is a sudden lack of mbps if there is no update commign soon..

    Sorry to disagree. My local Best Buy, Amazon, and B&H Photo (where I buy my camera equiptment and a good place to buy computers with no tax and Apple Care for a great price) are all fully stocked. This could be the stores knowing the product life cycle and trying to reduce inventories by ordering less and less with each restock.

    I could easily see them releasing after the stock is truly depleted so no one needs to discount to move out old inventory which is probably more profitable at the moment. But, I don't know and can't see any reason at this point to hold off introducing a new computer in fear of compromising iPad sales.

    Anyway, the complete lack of any tangible rumors for a 'this Tuesday' release is keeping my expectations low. I am placing the odds, based on nothing, at 1:4 for this Tuesday and 4:5 for the next four Tuesdays. If not this Tuesday I may instead buy a refurb imac. Apple told me that I could return it within 30 days (of placing the order) without a restock fee if I exchange for a higher priced item. It looks like a refurb imac 3.3 and a MB might cost about the same as a high end 15" MBP. Anyway, the wait goes on.

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  • menziep
    Oct 27, 03:39 PM
    Good for MB owners

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  • tigress666
    Apr 17, 09:52 PM
    It's both sad and sickening to see how many Apple fanboys are elitists who only want Apple products to be sold at upscale stores. Such fanboys want Apple products to be regarded as high-end fashion accessories and status symbols. What a shame that Apple has such a feminized culture associated with it. I miss the days when Apple products were regarded as tools for accomplishing tasks.

    And then you have the misogynists.

    Cause bad things should be attributed to being "feminized" cause we all know that equating something to being female must mean it's bad cause obviously being female-like is bad.

    Try thinking about what you're saying next time. Your point would have been stronger if you left the sexism out of it.

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  • View Larger

  • Jetson
    Oct 15, 07:55 PM
    One thing I really hate about this Zune thing is the amount of free publicity Microsoft has gotten.

    For months on end we've been bombarded with Zune-friendly "news" articles calling it an "iPod killer". Even before Microsoft had a name for it, before they had any sort of design for it, while it was still vaporware, the media kept hammering home, "iPod killer" while seeming to drool over the prospect.

    There's STILL no actual product on the store shelves.

    It's disgusting, really.

    Mar 20, 09:43 AM
    I think the Classic will be discountinued. Apple is moving the music and video experience to the cloud to allow your collection to be shared between iTV, iPad, and iPhone devices. The acquisition of the music upload service lula has to be nearing some level of integration with iTunes and Mobile Me.

    I bet the only thing keeping this strategy from being fully executed are legal agreements between the content providers and Apple. Something tells me this could be a long fight as it seems that content providers are making inroads in iTune competitors like eMusic. Prices are increasing at eMusic and becoming more 'fixed' across record labels with a larger share of the value-add shifting back to the labels. It's almost as if they've finally found a business model that brings them back to the hay-days of the vinyl record era.

    For me to be a consumer in this space I would need an ability to upload my current collection to the cloud. Most of what I buy isn't available on iTunes and a large percentage is either out of print or has not been made available digitally.

    I'm afraid I'll always have a 4 iPod Classic strategy to hold my collection. That will be my strategy until the batteries no longer hold a charge.

    Oct 25, 03:57 AM
    bought a new desk @ikea
    what's in the pic:
    MBA 2,1 w/SSD (although I'm considering a switch with a MBP)
    Apple Cinema display 20" (bought this summer from a UK seller on ebay, works like a charm)
    LaCie USB speakers
    Magic Mouse + Magic Trackpad + Apple BT Keyboard (I'm left handed, so it's a pleasure to have the MT on the left and the MM on the right :D)
    iPhone 4 + gelaskin & bumper
    Griffin simplifi dock

    May 5, 09:49 PM
    I swore to myself When I bought iPad 2 that I'd wait for iPad 4 to upgrade again...don't know if I'll be able to pass up a 3d iPad tho!

    Aug 7, 11:34 PM
    I know we've overdosed on speculation recently, but the MacRumors live transcript from the keynote today contained the following line (from Steve I believe):

    10:24 am lots more announcements during the next week

    best to just wait and see......

    Mar 30, 08:09 PM
    American foreign policy has indeed come up quite short in the foresight department. However, Khadahphee (or however it gets spelt) rose to power with no real assistance from other countries and has only been supported indirectly, through people buying oil. The only support Libya gets from the US is indirect, from irresponsible excess in oil consumption that keeps the prices up for everyone.

    You'd be right except for our military ties to Libya.

    Seems we've played a significant role in arming Libya in recent history, though not nearly as much as European nations.

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