Thursday, May 19, 2011

basketball hoop dimensions

basketball hoop dimensions. Basketball
  • Basketball

  • Hls811
    Nov 8, 07:45 AM
    Isn't the RAM the same? Unless they are putting single chips in as opposed to double to make store bought upgrades simpler.

    The 2.0Ghtz versions were upgraded to 1GB Ram minimum (up from 512).

    the 1.83ghtz version is still 512MB

    basketball hoop dimensions. Official Basketball Rim Height
  • Official Basketball Rim Height

  • rovex
    Apr 26, 11:01 AM
    I don't know the answer to question one, but the answer to the second question is yes. On top of that, the rate of conviction of blacks is higher.

    If you are applying this to the UK, you are bang on wrong.

    Eastern Europe and southern US, you may have a point.

    basketball hoop dimensions. asketball court diagram
  • asketball court diagram

  • JAT
    Aug 2, 08:42 PM
    Interesting... I was about to edit my last post that Apple's site doesn't claim the Macbook has any slots... I can't see any in the Macbook QTVR images either.
    It's a USB wireless card.

    Seriously, boys. This thread is an amazing pile. "You hate Apple." "No, I don't, you hate hackers." "It's Apple's fault." "It's Bob's fault." "You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!" Blah, blah blah....

    It's just a typical security report. Get your panties out of a bunch and have a glass of water.

    I will say, the Page 1 report is rather misleading, considering the video. MacRumors should probably modify that.

    basketball hoop dimensions. Pool Basketball Hoop Set
  • Pool Basketball Hoop Set

  • DotCom2
    Mar 29, 09:37 AM
    I'm eligible for an upgrade in September, so... :D

    If you read between the lines, it looks more like January than September.:eek:

    basketball hoop dimensions. Basketball is Geometry!
  • Basketball is Geometry!

  • NT1440
    Mar 29, 10:26 AM
    It's fascinating how quickly the Democrat party has turned into the party of war... trying to justify it legally and morally at every corner. It's almost as if their anti-war stance for the past 10 years was a complete farce, and was more anti-Bush than anti-war, anti-intervention. Now that Obama is at the helm, core philosophy no longer matters, consistent

    Yea, nothing to do with the fact that one of our wars was sold to the people under a complete and total (known) lie. That couldn't be anyone's basis for anger and resentment towards the war, it had to be a personal grudge against Bush.

    Seriously 5P, do you have any idea what goes on in reality? How many Dems were out there rallying against the Afghan war while Bush was in office (now that public opinion has flipped everyone wants to get out)? That was the "good" war, remember? Saying that the Dems are somehow anti-war is to ignore the history of this nation. Both parties are far more than willing to march to the drum beat of war when it is "in the nation's interest".

    Look at the Clinton doctrine for christs sake! It clearly states that it is the position of the USA that it can take unilateral military action anywhere in the world if US interests (or our allies, which pretty much leaves anything open) are threatened. It even specifically mentions using this clause to secure energy access.

    Talk all the BS rhetoric you want, but you clearly don't understand the policies of this country are and are little more than a pawn (most of us as well) in the carefully constructed Dems vs. GOP sideshow distraction.

    Can you point out any war in history that meets your ivory tower qualifications?

    All of them.

    The "interests" talking point is so incredibly open ended that literally any action can be considered in relation to it.

    Notice how no one ever presses Hillary or Obama (or any politician for that matter) specifically what "interests" they are talking about? The term is used specifically because of the wide open weasel room it provides, and this is well understood by the press who more than willfully participate in the charades.

    basketball hoop dimensions. The Dimension of a Basketball
  • The Dimension of a Basketball

  • Jcoz
    Mar 28, 12:59 PM
    That's because Best Buy stopped showing iPad 2 availability online a few weeks ago (and Milo requires this), because they are currently trying to fill their backlog of orders and reservations with every iPad they get. They stopped taking orders at the same time. Once they fulfill all their orders and start having stock, I'm sure they will switch the future back on, that let's you check local inventory.

    On a side note, I went to an Apple store in Indianapolis, at 9:30am at the end of last week and there were about 150+ people in line. I didn't realize they were still opening the store an hour early every day to sell the iPads they had received in the previous day. I wonder how long this will go on for.

    I dont know that this is correct, I've been checking their online local inventory every day, and availability shows up in patches all over, unfortunately all I have called about say it is for reserved units.

    But the point is that when they got them in, it showed in the database.

    basketball hoop dimensions. Modern asketball hoops
  • Modern asketball hoops

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 2, 05:18 AM
    It's true that a high megapixel count is not anything like the most important factor about a camera, but everything else being equal more megapixels is better than fewer megapixels. I seriously doubt Apple is going to add megapixels just for the number on the specs list.

    I think the point is that the technical specs of a photo, and the camera it was taken on, can't make a badly lit, poorly composed photo a good one, and (within reason) can't totally destroy the work of a good photographer who knows what they are doing but only had access to a 'lesser' camera.

    Another way of looking at it might be that Leonardo da Vinci could do more impressive work with a pencil and paper than many people could do with a studio full of photoshop artists.

    Fair enough.

    I think that was common sense and wasn't worth mentioning in any context.

    basketball hoop dimensions. This Basketball Hoop can be
  • This Basketball Hoop can be

  • JPark
    Mar 29, 09:58 AM
    La-dee-frickin'-da. I still have an iPhone 3G, and I'm not eligible for an upgrade until the end of April. So, as I see it, here are my options:

    1) Upgrade in April to tech that's already a year old.
    2) Hold on to a phone that is slower than cold molasses for another 6-8 mos., with the POSSIBILITY of a new, faster, and better phone.

    3) Move to Android (perhaps the Motorola Atrix) and send the iPhone, Apple, and their seemingly academic product refresh cycles packing.

    I have been, in my past, an Apple apologist; I own both a Macbook and an iPad, and love them both. They have the right to release their products when they want. But for some reason, Apple's decision to mix-up their refreshment cycles NOW burns me. I have been looking forward--for once--to upgrading my device at around the time the newest iPhone hits the market, and when I finally get the chance to do it, Apple (potentially) shifts the cycle. Not cool with me.

    So, even though I love iOs, I may jump to Android for a couple of years, just to check it out.

    You're right. How insensitive of them to not base their business decisions on your upgrade cycle. No, wait. That's ridiculous. Never mind.

    If the reports are to be believed, if they were to release iPhone 5 in June it wouldn't have LTE. You'd just be getting a slightly upgraded version of the 4. Wouldn't you rather wait another 4 months and get something much more future-proof?

    basketball hoop dimensions. asketball courtlt;/
  • asketball courtlt;/

  • SevenInchScrew
    Oct 3, 10:57 AM
    "Move on"? :( Seems kind of testy.
    Not testy, just telling you my way of dealing with d-bags.
    My point being, playing with randoms is inevitable, and a necessity. After all, if one didn't play with randoms, how would one meet 'nice players' to add to your friend's list?
    Sure, playing with randoms is going to happen. But my point is, if you play 5 games of Team Slayer, the chance that all 35 of the randoms you would play against are jerks is minimal, at best. In 5-10 games, you could find yourself 15-20 good, polite players to add to your friends list, and never have to deal with it again.
    I imagine it isn't hard to do, but Live seems to be made to play with players from all over. Playing games with only friends, seems to be rather counter productive.
    My friends list isn't filled with only people I know in real life. I have friends from all over, that I've met playing all kinds of games, and meet more all the time when my friends bring in some of their friends to play. I'm not suggesting you build up a wall, and close the community out, just to make sure the d-bags don't get to you. I'm just saying, the tools are available, and if you use them properly, your experience will be much better.

    Playing with friends not only rids you of having to play with crappy randoms, but it also adds more fun to it as well. If you play with people you know, the communication is better, the team play is better, and often times you'll win more. To me, that seems like the ultimate objective. Have fun and win. I accomplish that by playing primarily with friends. You're free to do whatever you want.
    The issue being that Halo proportionately seems to have a greatest number of jerks playing, as compared to say other games. The shame is that even Bungie realized the crappier part of their community, and made such settings as hearing only your team, or even an option to mute all other players.
    As I mentioned earlier, when you have one of the largest online communities, you will, by nature of the Law of Averages, have a large number of jerks. No game is immune to this. Forza, COD, Warhawk, Uncharted 2, Burnout, etc. I can't think of a single game that I've played online in which I haven't run into online d-bags. It is just the way the online community works (see PA comic below ;)). MacRumors is a nice, big online community, based around a simple consumer electronics company. That doesn't mean there aren't jerks abound in here. Instead of saying it's a "shame" that Bungie gives those options, you should be happy they do, use them, and then start wondering why more games don't.

    basketball hoop dimensions. Basketball Court Dimensions
  • Basketball Court Dimensions

  • guez
    Aug 24, 04:21 PM
    I, too, have a number in the range affected but am getting turned down by the website. Interestingly, when I changed the last letter of the serial number I entered from "a" to "b," it was accepted! I am wondering whether in fact not all batteries in the range are being recalled and Apple is just doing a bad job of communicating (as someone on Macintouch suggested).

    basketball hoop dimensions. asketball hoop
  • asketball hoop

  • tray3
    Mar 5, 09:43 AM
    Here's Mine... Aperture:f/35 Shutter:1/250 (
    Maccaw ( by Tathagata.Ray (, on Flickr

    basketball hoop dimensions. asketball hoop dimensions.
  • asketball hoop dimensions.

  • a456
    Sep 6, 04:16 AM
    It is strange that MS don't seem to have given us a common table of comparison, I wonder why?

    I have no intention of switching to Vista from Mac OS X, but just for my own amusement I would love to see a table of comparison for the five different versions of Vista, because aside from the Data Encryption all that the *ULTIMATE* version seems to have is a Photo Programme, a Movie Maker, and a Media Interface, and the upgrade version costs twice the amount of OS X, which has superior photo and movie apps. And for people without XP the price is phenomenal.

    The basic doesn't even have the much flaunted "aero" interface, what does it look like then without it, and why miss off such a defining feature of your new OS from one of its versions?

    I'm glad that I don't have to make the choice between the different versions and that I made the simple choice years ago to choose Mac over PC.

    (BTW, do they need permission to use this name from Cadbury, in the UK aero is a type of chocolate bar with loads of air bubbles in)

    basketball hoop dimensions. The court
  • The court

  • After G
    Aug 24, 04:04 PM
    I had my battery recalled earlier.

    Wonder if the replacement falls under this recall? :D

    basketball hoop dimensions. Basketball+hoop+height
  • Basketball+hoop+height

  • stunna
    Jul 22, 11:24 PM
    If this is this an add on feature to the ipod video rumors thats been going around
    this will be amazing.

    basketball hoop dimensions. Pavement Basketball Hoop,
  • Pavement Basketball Hoop,

  • iMeowbot
    Nov 28, 02:21 PM
    uh no... wrong.
    IANAL, but A. the beatles lost... apparently a didnt believe they were protecting their property
    The Beatles prevailed in the first trademark dispute, and Apple Computer are still barred from using that name and logo for music. In the more recent case, Apple Computer were found not to infringe because they carefully avoided using the Apple logo for the iTunes Store itself.

    B. exactly what property do you think they were protecting? the idea that no company should be allowed to be called apple, in any business, ever? even after the same exact case had been settled before? ever heard of the 5th amendment?
    The fifth amendment is US law, and does not apply in the UK where the the most recent trademark dispute was resolved. Even if it happened in the US, the fifth amendment is about crime, not civil disputes. Finally, the two Apple disputes were not for the same instance of alleged infringement, so even if it was a crime, a new case would be fine (the fifth amendment wouldn't prevent you being tried for alleged involvement in two robberies of the same bank).

    basketball hoop dimensions. Basketball Court Measurements
  • Basketball Court Measurements

  • blueflame
    Jan 11, 04:21 PM
    that is just the refresh rate being captured. and since it is just a lcd screen the lines are going horizontal, and its turned sideways.
    If you look at the picture of the iPhone poster, it seems to have a couple of subtle differences compared to my iPhone:

    1) The white etching on the home button seems rounder than current iPhones

    2) The In Call screen is different, and is that a desktop above the call status? Looks like somefiles icons there

    3) Look very, very carefully at the top left hand corner: Is there a front facing camera hidden amongst the reflections?

    Maybe I'm just suffering from pre macworld hallucinations, but that certainly looks different to my iPhone...

    basketball hoop dimensions. Basketball Court Dimensions
  • Basketball Court Dimensions

  • gugy
    Aug 3, 08:42 PM
    Heh, yeah. I especially love all the posts about how it was a huge mistake for Apple to get into the mp3 player market (that the iPod would die a quick death and be a colossal failure).

    I think that is the problem when we buy so much into the speculation and hype - Apple releases something that, on the surface, is boring (i.e. "WTF?!?!?!? It's just an MP3 player and not some revolutionary new device?!!?!?!?"), but which has a much greater chance of success than some of the more out there stuff we want them to do. As a former Newton user, for example, I would be ecstatic if Apple did release a Newton 3000 or something, but I also realize that there is a good reason they aren't doing that - there still just doesn't seem to be a widespread market for PDA's at this point. So an MP3 player might be boring, but it turned out to be a very smart move for Apple.

    That just say to you how important an amazing Steve Jobs is. The man has the talent to foresees what will be a hit and what won't be.
    We are luck to have him and Apple together. I remember when he was not behind Apple and how things were bad. I am glad he is there now.
    The truth is what seems to be the logical thing for us might not be for him, so, I rather have him tell me that.
    I hope he will stay at Apple for long, long time.

    basketball hoop dimensions. High School Basketball Court
  • High School Basketball Court

  • louis Fashion
    Mar 28, 08:20 PM
    Everything has to start some where. I was nearly t-boned by a SUV today that thought they were better than the rest of us... they were running very much running a red light. Get your head out of the sand as to the new world order...

    Here in America bigger does not mean better in the end...

    In Germany it is "Mercedes hat vorfart" (I think that is spelled correctly)
    Translation: Mercedes has the right of way.

    - Just as God intended it.

    basketball hoop dimensions. Size Of A Basketball Court
  • Size Of A Basketball Court

  • iGary
    Sep 6, 09:56 AM
    Well, don't put back your camera just yet. If I recall it correct, you never set any time limit when you made your bold statement about Conroe in iMac. My guess is that Conroe eventually will arrive in iMacs...and when it does... we do (sort of) look forward to your promised homemovie. :D

    Technicalities. :D

    I did blow it with saying that Wodcrests would not go into MP's, though. :(

    Apr 14, 05:42 PM
    That $1199 iMac has lots of other wonderful features including a screen, but if you think it is anywhere close to the performance of a i7-2600 based PC (that go for $750 from HP/Dell) then you are delusional. To get something from Apple with an equivalent processor you are looking at a $2199 iMac or a $2499 Mac Pro. Doesn't matter that in the long term the Mac could be a better value, some people can't justify that huge price difference or paying additional for features they don't need or want or cannot afford to.

    Again Macs are a premium product and because of that Apple will hit a ceiling of those who can afford or justify buying their products.

    I'll not take being called "delusional" to be an insult, I'll take it as involuntary humor on your side. Someone made up a wonderful term "specturbators". That's the people the $750 PC appeals to. Reality is that the iMac will get the job done, with plenty of speed, beautiful, and reliable, much better than the $750 PC. For jobs that it can't get done, sorry mate, there is a reason why each processor in the Mac Pro alone costs a lot more than the whole $750 PC.

    So that's how Dell has been staying a float by selling you a 15" model every year. :p

    That's why Dell sells three times as many PCs. Because people have to buy three PCs instead of one Mac :-) (But actually, they only sell slightly more than twice as many in the USA anymore. So there are actually more Mac buyers than Dell buyers).

    Mar 21, 05:37 PM
    Hard drives would not be good AT ALL for an iPod Touch. Apps depend on the instant access that flash memory allows for using data, so a hard drive would slow the whole process up, especially on the processor size.
    I agree. I don't think iOS is designed with hard drives in mind anyway. Probably wouldn't work properly.

    Oct 24, 10:14 PM
    just moved out to the dirty jerz to start my career... got my set up in a new home. also just bought the M-Stand for my laptop and it is quite nice

    I took that picture on the right. Just sayin'.

    Apr 13, 12:49 PM
    What about something made in Germany? ;)

    Not sure people would jump the gun on an Audi R8 had it been made in Asia! :D

    I would. Germany is pretty much set on protecting it's industrial base.

    Apr 26, 12:52 PM
    Who knows? Maybe there is a genetic component involved.

    So you're saying it is race, but not because of racism, but because of genetics? If it's genetics then how does it explain the successful blacks like your president among countless others?

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