Thursday, May 19, 2011

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  • jwa276
    Sep 6, 09:58 AM
    UGH why haven't they updated the MBP's yet?? Apple has totally dropped the ball on this year's college students for sure (at least those looking for apple laptops). My girlfriend is required to buy a MacBook Pro for interior design, and I keep telling her to wait because Merom has got to be right around the corner.

    What about the laptops???? MBP's haven't been updated once and iMacs have been getting all the love. Count it!

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  • danielwsmithee
    Aug 3, 03:44 PM
    Don't forget about the Mac Pro Cube ( :DThat had me going as plausible until the whole wireless display connection.

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  • stock vector : Alabama warning

  • japanime
    Oct 28, 02:23 AM
    'fixed' for me.

    ironically the DAY they released the macbook started shutting down intermittingly..

    instaleld fine so for the fans..they still go 'nuts' when i run a few videos on THAT normal?

    like they get pretty loud ugh

    The loud fan ISN'T normal, and it's something I've been fighting about with Apple ever since I bought this POS machine a day after they were released. I'm on my second one now (the first one was replaced because it was broken right out of the box), and this one sounds like a jet airplane getting ready for take off, with the turbines winding up and down.

    What particularly makes me upset is that we've got two MacBooks in my family, mine and my wife's, and hers is completely silent. When the fan does kick in on her machine, it makes a nice "whoosh" sound of air being pushed, and nothing else. Mine make this whiney noise coming from the fan itself, so loud you can't even heard the "whoosh" of air being moved.

    My MacBook has already been in AppleCare once for a fan replacement, as well as the heat-sink replacement. I had hoped this new firmware would slow the darned fan down, but nope--it's still buzzing away like an electric razor.

    I've owned five Apple laptops prior to this one (dating back to a PowerBook 520), and this MacBook is by far the worst one of the bunch. Worse even than my "flaming" PowerBook 5300 (which still works and doesn't make a peep).

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  • College logo (vector format)

  • Signal-11
    Mar 19, 02:27 PM
    Especially when iPods first hit the scene, price was a big issue for a lot of customers. Apple products have always been on the pricey side. So perhaps the popularity of the larger capacity iPods was impacted by the pricing structure, which impacted Apple's perception of the demand.

    Apple's non Mac consumer electronics are not boutique/luxury goods and haven't been for a long time. They're cheaper than competitor hardware with similar specs. Even Samsung CE, a member of Samsung Group which makes the most expensive components that go into Apple's consumer electronics, can't compete with Apple on price due to Apple's volume and pre-emptive supply chain lockup.

    It's getting kindof absurd seeing that hard drives keep getting bigger and cheaper. Would an iPod Touch really be that much thicker if it had 128 GB? And just how thick would (dare I say it) a 500 GB iPod Touch be? For the way I would use the device, I wouldn't mind a little extra thickness and weight.

    iPod Classics = HDD based storage. iPod Touches = solid state based storage.

    You might not mind the extra thickness and weight of HDD based Touch but you'd definitely mind the slower speed. Flash based 500GB? You would definitely mind the price.

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  • Author: free logo vector

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 4, 07:32 AM
    New nanos would be nice. I promised my girlfriend a new mid-range nano, as soon as they were updated, for her birthday - and that was two weeks ago... hopefully she can get her birthday present within a month of her birthday... :)

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  • BenRoethig
    Sep 7, 07:06 AM
    I like when Apple doesn't announce something, i like surprises.

    One thing will Apple ever make a larger LCD display, or they will stay with the 30" for a while.

    Seeing the iMac 24", instead of 23". Seems like Apple upto something.

    Hopefully that something invovles isight/front row displays that are more reasonable in price.

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  • ironjaw
    Nov 8, 09:00 AM
    * 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

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  • University of Alabama Logo

  • saving107
    Mar 25, 12:49 PM
    on the Mac one is told to re-download a 4GB application for a few piddly updates in much the same way one is forced to re-download the whole operating system.

    Thats no true.

    Apple just a few days ago released Mac OS X 10.6.7 and was only 475MB, and the Combo update was only 1.12GB. Mac OS X 10.6.6 brought the Mac App Store and was only 143MB.

    I don't know why your updates are 4GB.

    Mac OS X 10.6.6

    Mac OS X 10.6.7

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Sep 22, 11:48 AM
    I played for about 90 minutes last night. I am impressed with the graphics but focused on the story (solo/coop), seems like more of the same. I mean it's good but as with most sequels and for me especially after the 5th time around, it's feeling a bit repetitive. Maybe as I get farther into it I'll get more excited. :)
    Well, let's be real here. It is a shooter. The game is going to mainly entail traversing levels, and shooting the enemies in the way. By nature, it is going to be repetitive. I guess I didn't feel that though, given the variety in the way you go about this; On foot, in a Warthog, in a Falcon, with a Jet Pack, in a Space Ship, with a team, by yourself. I quite liked all the various levels, and the ways the game made available to finish them.
    I would assume that once you got through the blatant copy&paste areas used to make the original Halo SP longer you would have realized that was par for the course ;)
    Which parts of Reach fit this description?? I can only think of 1 area that was reused, and it was a part of the game you just move through pretty quickly. On top of that, the two times you visit the area are separated in time, both story-wise and mission number (3 & 9), so they have a VERY different feel each time you go through. But hey, if you have other areas, I'm all ears.

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  • See Flat
    Apr 14, 11:23 AM
    I am professional editor. I get paid to edit. I just dont edit giant films. I think there is a little discrediting going on for what makes a professional editor.......A good editor is a good editor, it is an art. Just because someone is an "expert" on AVID, PP, FCP doesnt mean they are an good editor. Same as someone who knows how to put paint on canvas isnt necessarily Van Gogh.
    I think this version will help us tell stories easier and more efficient. It is still up to the editor what he/she will do with the tool.


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  • Alabama Crimson Tide White

  • milani
    Nov 12, 12:38 PM

    The original article, which makes a really great recommendation for Apple to remedy the absurdity of the review-process:

    How about trying this: review after release for vetted developers. Once your first app has successfully made it through traditional review, you're marked as legit; subsequent upgrades and new releases go out without prior restraint, except in a few categories where Apple has to work within contract agreements (carrier restrictions on video or tethering, for example, or explicit sexual content). No more bug fixes waiting for weeks, no more wondering whether an innovative idea will ever see the light of day after spending months of effort and lots of money.

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  • StinktOldC
    Oct 15, 03:17 PM
    where would we be without him?

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 23, 10:14 AM
    I don't get it - if Wal-mart doesn't sell something does that mean no-one will buy it - at all? Just go elsewhere to get what you want.

    Disclaimer: I am not defending Wal-Mart I think they have some very poor business practices and I rarely shop there.

    In rural America a lot of the time there is not other choice than Wal-Mart. I know people that drive 40 miles to get to a town that has a Wal-Mart to do all their shopping. It would be over 100 miles to get to a city with a BestBuy or some other store that sells DVDs. For a lot of people, if they don't have it at Wal-Mart, it doesn�t exist. I know this is sad but it is true.

    I know Wal-Mart has a lot of bad practices, they treat their employees like crap, kill small companies that can�t meet there supply requirements, etc. But, just a reminder, they are (for the most part) operating WITHIN THE LAW. So if you really disagree with what Wal-Mart does, you should contact your legislator and ask them to support laws that curtail these activities or contact your local district attorney's office if you think they are breaking the law.

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  • kavika411
    Apr 12, 12:49 PM
    Sounds good. I NEED an iPad 3 when it comes out. iPad 2 is old news :D

    I'm still scoping for a cracked iPad 1 on craigslist. Maybe I should just get an abacus.

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  • Author: free logo vector

  • Gimzotoy
    Aug 24, 04:47 PM
    Sigh. None of the batteries I have for my 12" PowerBook are covered, not even the one that the Apple store recommended I stop using due to the excessive heat (which died 5 days out of warranty and Apple would do nothing about). Sucks.

    alabama logo vector. Alabama Crimson Tide Vector
  • Alabama Crimson Tide Vector

  • miketcool
    Nov 27, 10:16 AM
    If I recall, the way the Beatles recorded, it was almost overkill. It should be intersting to see if they remaster it to optimize it for compressed digital. Otherwise, I really love listening to every sound that the recordings have picked up as I listen to the fab four on a 30 LP.

    alabama logo vector. Alabama
  • Alabama

  • mdntcallr
    Aug 24, 01:20 PM
    there goes some of sony's good brand quality image.

    one the good side. I once had to swap out a battery from apple before.

    it was quick and easy. honestly i am a power user, travel tons.

    could use a new fresh pair of batteries anyway. i am checking to see if any of my 3 are swapable.

    hey not a bad thing. this is preventative. my batteries have been fine, aside from losing life after tons of charges.

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  • Funkatronic
    Mar 7, 12:03 AM (
    Untitled ( by yohul (, on Flickr

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  • Alabama Crimson Tide Crimson

  • macduke
    Apr 2, 05:37 AM
    Here's the deal: Now that cell phone sensors are approaching a decent quality, they will need good optics or it doesn't matter. That's where, I believe, Sony comes in. If you just throw in "MOAR MEGAPIXELS" then you've already lost. Looks great on a stats sheet for Android noobs, looks bad as a print (or at the least not any better than a lower mp sensor).

    Stats don't matter. That's what all the PC people say about Thunderbolt. Unless they got it first. Then any notebook without it would be considered worthless. Like a Mac and what they would then call its "legacy I/O." Lol...

    My first dSLR was a Canon Rebel XT. It had an 8mp sensor. Crazy to think my phone will have one too, despite the noise, inferior optics and lack of control. But still, crazy! And probably 1080p video too.

    All I can say is this iPhone 5 better come in 64GB and 128GB sizes! I'm already out of room on my 32GB model. I hope there is a setting for video quality. 720p is fine for casual videos. If I actually need 1080p (for legit work), I'll use my 7D + L optics, thank you very much! Haha. But it's inevitable.

    Mar 12, 02:22 AM
    mmmmmm i7 sounds sexy

    Wait till you see the i69 :D

    Mar 29, 12:52 PM
    I'm with you on both items. I've been psyched for iPhone 5 to replace my 3GS, but for LTE I might be convinced to wait... (Then again my 4G friend says Boston has spotty coverage at the moment...)

    As for the voice thing - I don't think I've ever used it nor really want to. To those that do use it - why? Is this a feature that car drivers use a lot?

    they have got to get battery life under control or get LTE available in more places.

    have been testing a VzW Tbolt and man its terrible in non-LTE areas on the battery.

    i will not, however, give up on my iPhone. LTE or not, upgrading will happen. add me to the line of sheep. :)

    Mar 11, 09:13 PM
    I just barely got my first speedlight a few weeks ago. So I can point it up and put it just low enough to trigger the strobes?

    I'd say it's time for some experimentation!

    Mar 12, 07:30 AM
    Can't see why they'd bring all the stores down.

    Full of Win
    Apr 17, 01:21 AM
    Toys R' Us? I though they only sold video games!?

    What is your point?

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