Friday, October 1, 2010

sinister sunday of shock.

Friend of the Arena and professional film fact man Calum Waddell is at it again at the infamous Glasgow Film Theatre on October 24th (this year time travellers) with the spooktacular Sinister Sunday of Shock!

Now there's a mooth made for shite-in in!
Less a lazy film afternoon more of a chance to feel your brain molested by maniacal movie mayhem, the line up includes the UK premiere screening of Frank Henenlotter's disturbingly decadent (or at the very least something else that begins with 'd') documentary HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS: THE GODFATHER OF GORE, a rare chance to see Nico Mastorakis' goat scaring Greek treat ISLAND OF DEATH on the big screen and with the great man himself in attendance for an audience Q and A and whitewash drinking contest (probably) as well as the Lamberto Bava classic DEMONS in all it's cinematic g(l)ory (with special guest Sir Sergio of Stivaletti - the man behind the frighteningly realistic FX in such movies as DEMONS, DEMONS 2, PHENOMENA, OPERA, THE CHURCH, CEMETERY MAN, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, MOTHER OF TEARS as well as directing the kinky classic WAX MASK).

"Beware! The British censor!"
Oh and if you're feeling generous you can buy the illustrator currently working alongside DEMONS star Geretta-Geretta on a comic sequel to the first movie a drink if you like!

Need? Every.
And if that wasn't enough for you greedy people there's a second UK premiere, this time of the EXPOSE/HOUSE ON STRAW HILL remake STALKER with pert breasted saucy starlet Jane March in attendance as well as a mini CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST celebration as Francesca Ciardi (AKA Faye Daniels) makes her first UK public appearance to prove for once and for all that she wasn't really killed making it.

The turtle however tells another story.

So there you have it my friends; one day, four films, copious amounts of alcohol, celebrity guests, some scary surprises and maybe a secret party or two (well, one) and all for a meagre £22 or £18 for dole scum and students).

See you there!

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